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The Nations Inside Your Church

The Lord watches over the strangers; he upholds the orphan and the widow, but the way of the wicked he brings to ruin. Psalm 146:9 Catalyst Services, a ministry helping churches effectively partner with missionaries, recently published this guide explaining ways to identify the nations within your church in order to enrich your church body and your…

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Are you interested in getting to know international students? How about your neighbors from another country, or the clerk in the gas station down the street?  EveryInternational.com, created by a collaboration with various international student ministries in the U.S., offers free training videos for anyone wanting to know more about engaging with the international community…


Understanding Different Cultures

A Beginner’s Guide to Crossing Cultures: Making Friends in a Multicultural World by Patty Lane Patty Lane gives us an excellent resource for understanding the differences in worldviews of different cultural groups. She discusses how different cultures view conflict, values, authority, and time, and much more.  This book also includes a number of appendices about…