Our Team
We are a group of believers passionate about seeing the church engage their neighbor with Christ’s love to bring hope and restoration to all.

Program Coordinator
A graduate of Wheaton College and Regent University, Nancy is a former Spanish teacher, missionary, and church missions director. Nancy has a passion for mobilizing the local church to be actively engaged in God’s heart for His world. As Program Coordinator at RHR, Nancy works to expand the Jobs for Life sites, assists in growing the vision and reach of Restoring Hope Roanoke, and is the pen behind the website and newsletters. She and her husband Rick have two young adult children and live in Cave Spring, Virginia.

In 2016, a group of men and women united in their goal and God’s to be bolder in loving our neighbors with mercy and the Good News of the Gospel. Their desire was to see Bible-believing churches around the valley united in ministry in the Roanoke Valley.
The first step together was in early 2017 when over 35 attended a discussion on Jobs for Life™. From that grew our first Jobs for Life™ class at Christ Our Redeemer Church with 10 students from the Salvation Army’s Red Shield Lodge. In 2021 we saw the 7th class and rejoice to see men and women move on to new jobs and new hope.
Beginning in 2018, we saw the need to expand ministry beyond Jobs for Life™. Restoring Hope Roanoke, Inc. (RHR) was incorporated in Virginia as a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation with founding board members Doug Hart, Ken Ferris, Lanell Otey, Mark Poole, and Ben Wisdom.
Restoring Hope Roanoke has grown beyond Jobs for Life™ but with the same mission to equip and assist Gospel-believing local churches to build helpful and loving relationships with our neighbors in need and together to discover true hope in Jesus Christ and His Church.

As a nondenominational organization, Restoring Hope Roanoke has chosen the Lausanne Covenant as our statement of faith. You can read it here.

Click here to read our 2021 Annual Report.